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Christ Church Church Of England Primary School

Anglican Community

Anglicanism is a form of Christianity that is part of the Protestant branch of the religion. People throughout the world belong to Anglican churches. Some of those churches have different names, but they are all related. Together they are known as the Anglican Communion. Anglicanism developed in England, and the Church of England is still the main Anglican Church.

School links

John Shepherd is our local vicar from Christ Church and a Foundation Governor. John is our Chair of Governors and leads our faith group, which meets termly and helps support the development of our ethos, vision and values. Steve Weston is the children’s pastor and is a regular visitor to the school and leads weekly worship and runs Bible Clubs.  Steve leads school services in church.

Every September there is a fun morning held at Church for our new Reception intake and their families. This is a wonderful way to meet each other and find out more about the special links between the Church and Christ Church School. 

Every year our children in Year 6 attend the Leavers’ Service at Southwark Cathedral. This is a special event that celebrates the children’s time at primary school and wishes them well for their future.

Parish life

RE in a Church of England school enables pupils to expand their understanding of the Church by learning about everyday life in a parish.

  • Priests, vicars and curates
  • Lay leaders: churchwardens and PCCs
  • Worship: Eucharist, services of the Word
  • Music in worship
  • Baptisms, confirmations, weddings and funerals
  • Evangelism, Alpha, Emmaus, Credo, etc.
  • Home groups
  • Pilgrimages and retreats
  • Activities for children and young people
  • Community involvement

Beyond the parish

An understanding of the life of the Church beyond the parish boundaries:

  • Dioceses, bishops and cathedrals
  • Archbishops of Canterbury and York and in the rest of the world
  • Lively and growing churches
  • Multicultural Christianity
  • The Anglican Communion
  • Ecumenical partnerships

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