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Christ Church Church Of England Primary School

Courageous Advocacy - Being Charitable

At Christ Church, we believe it is important to support charitable giving and causes that mean a lot to our school community. Learning about giving and helping others links to our ethos and key value of Love for All.  Children begin to understand that they are part of a larger community and that everyone is responsible for those around them. We encourage all to participate in giving and we praise the children for their generosity and empathy to others.  We also encourage children to stand up for causes that mean something to them which go beyond raising money but include raising the profile of a cause through educating and informing others, writing letters and being socially aware. 

We discuss global and local issues in Collective Worship and the children amaze us with how they respond.  We follow issues up through the School Council.

The act of giving to those less fortunate than ourselves helps children begin to realise that the things they have and take for granted are not given to everyone in the world.

The charities we support have been chosen for a number of reasons:

Chikuyakuti School, Malawi

African Vision Malawi – our ongoing relationship with Chikuyakuti School. We support our link school by raising money for specific projects e.g. redevelopment of their toilet block.  We also share learning with them.  In 2022/23 we sent the school a pack of learning on 'Climate Change'.  In 2023/24 we will be sending them a pack of learning with the theme of 'Growth'.  We really enjoy hearing all about the school when our link representative from African Vision Malawi comes to tell us all about her visit.  We have seen videos of the children at our link school and photographs of them using our learning packs.  This has prompted a lot of discussion about how different their learning experience is to ours. 

Children’s Charities

Save the Children – to help support children around the world who are less fortunate than ourselves and don’t have many of the things we take for granted.

Children in Need – to help improve the lives of disadvantaged children in the UK.

Comic Relief (Red Nose Day) – to support vulnerable people and communities.

NSPCC – to help children that have suffered abuse

Charities that have special meaning to our school community

Children’s Trust 

Brain Tumour Research


Shooting Star Children's Hospice


RAKAT -mini bus transport organisation/charity used for school trips

Poppy Appeal 

Kingston Foodbank