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Christ Church Church Of England Primary School

Our Governors

We want to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and the role we play at Christ Church CE Primary School.

The Governing Board has an important part to play in raising school standards.  We set the strategic direction for the school, ensure financial accountability and monitor and evaluate school performance.  Whilst the headteacher and senior leadership team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, our role is often described as acting as a 'critical friend'.  We provide strategic governance to ensure that all children get the best possible education, constantly challenging the school to attain the best possible performance. 

We have responsibility, together with the senior leadership team, for agreeing the policies for the general running of the school.  We fulfil statutory duties to ensure that the school is a safe, healthy and inclusive environment.  We provide support and challenge to the senior leadership team on all issues that affect the learning and welfare of our pupils.  We also have a responsibility to handle complaints, though it is important to note that individual problems should, at the outset, be directed first to your child's class teacher and then to the leadership team.

As a Voluntary Aided school, we appoint and employ all staff and we are responsible for admissions and ensuring that Religious Education and the National Curriculum are being taught properly. 

The Governing Board is drawn from Foundation Governors (appointed by the PCC or Southwark Diocesan Board of Education SDBE), school staff, parents, the community that our school serves and people who have applied through - or been nominated by - the Local Authority.

If you are interested in the work we do, would like to find out more, have any questions or are interested in becoming a governor, please contact the school.

The full Governing Board meets once a term (twice in the Autumn term) and there are sub-committees dealing with Resources, Admissions, Faith and Curriculum & Standards.  Once approved, the minutes of all our meetings are available from the school office. 

Governing Board Membership and Appointing Bodies

The current and historical membership of the Governing Board can be viewed online via the 'Get Information About Schools' webpage which lists each governor's term of office and appointing body.  Pen Portraits of our current Governing Board can also be viewed at the bottom of this page.

Christ Church CE Primary School, Surbiton - Get Information About Schools (Governance)

Governing Board Diversity Information

Diversity is important and the DfE want governing boards to be increasingly reflective of the communities they serve.

The DfE encourages schools to collect and publish governing board members' diversity data.  Board members can opt out of sharing their information, including protected characteristics, at any given time and so the information in the report may not include all members of the board.

Christ Church CE Primary School, Surbiton Governing Board Diversity Report COMING SOON

Governor Roles and Committees 2023/2024

Chair of the Governing Board: John Shepherd

Co-Vice Chairs of the Governing Board: Carol Buchanan and Amanda Hawkins-McKay

Clerk of the Governing Board: Emma Lloyd-Williams

Headteacher: Elena Hough (member of all committees)

Resources Committee

Chair: Tom Hawkins-McKay

Vice Chair: Steve Richardson

Other members: Tris Anderson (SBM adviser), Louise Morton, Nick Herod, John Shepherd

Curriculum & Standards Committee

Chair: Carol Buchanan

Vice Chair: Steve Richardson

Other members: Rachel Jones, Sharon Bane, Kate Kim, Beth Tillyer (adviser), Amanda Hawkins-McKay, Naomi Ascroft-Leigh (adviser)

Faith Committee

Chair: John Shepherd

Vice Chair: Bart Erlebach

Other members: Amanda Hawkins-McKay, Kate Kim, Chris Skillern (adviser), Richard Asante

Admissions Committee

Chair: Kate Kim

Vice Chair: Carol Buchanan

Other members: Tris Anderson (SBM adviser), Bart Erlebach, Louise Morton, Amanda Hawkins-McKay, John Shepherd


Governing Board Terms of Reference, Declarations of Interest and Record of Attendance

Terms of Reference 2023/2024 Academic Year

Admissions Committee

Curriculum & Standards Committee

Faith Group

Resources Committee

Record of Attendance 2023/2024 Academic Year


Declarations of Interest

Record of Attendance 2022/2023 and 2021/2022 Academic Years



Governor Pen Portraits

Please click on the photos below for more information about our governors.

Governors (ID 1281)

  • Rev. John Shepherd
    Chair of Governing Board & Ex-Officio Governor
  • Carol Buchanan
    Co-Vice Chair of Governors & Local Authority Governor
  • Amanda Hawkins-McKay
    Co-Vice Chair of Governors & Foundation Governor
  • Rev. Richard Asante
    Foundation Governor
  • Sharon Bane
    Staff Governor
  • Bart Erlebach
    Foundation Governor (SDBE)
  • Thomas Hawkins-McKay
    Foundation Governor
  • Nick Herod
    Parent Governor
  • Elena Hough
    Headteacher & Ex-Officio Governor
  • Rachel Jones
    Foundation Governor
  • Kate Kim
    Foundation Governor
  • Louise Morton
    Parent Governor
  • Steve Richardson
    Co-opted Governor
  • John Newell
    Foundation Governor