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Christ Church Church Of England Primary School

School Day

The school gates open from 8.35am and classroom doors are open from 8.45am.  All children should be in class by 8.50am.

Parents are reminded that they remain responsible for their children until they are inside the school building.

There are two entrances to the school for drop-off and collection - Pine Gardens (main entrance) and the alleyway off Manor Drive next to Surbiton Methodist Tennis Club.  During the school day, only the Pine Gardens entrance is available to be used.

The school day finishes at 3:20pm (Reception and Key Stage 1) and 3:25pm (Key Stage 2). 

The school day is divided broadly into 5 sessions of about an hour.

The morning session is:

8.50am to 11.45am for Reception

8.50am to 12.00pm for Key Stage 1

8.50am to 12.15pm for Key Stage 2

There is a morning break of 15 minutes mid-morning.  Fruit is available as a morning break snack for Key Stage 1 children.  Key Stage 2 children are welcome to bring in a piece of fruit or vegetable.

Please remember that Christ Church is a nut-aware and nut-free school. 

All year groups have an hour for lunch.

The afternoon session is:

1.00pm to 3.20om for Reception and Key Stage 1

1.15pm to 3.25pm for Key Stage 2

Collective Worship is held daily and runs for 15/20 minutes.

Each class has their own timetable which is published on the year group webpage and changes each half term.  The timetable can be flexible to incorporate additional learning experiences.

Breakfast and After School Care (Sunrise and Sunset Club)

An extended school day is offered from 7:45am at Sunrise Club (Monday to Friday) and until 6pm at Sunset Club (Monday to Thursday - there is no Sunset Club on Friday afternoon).