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Christ Church Church Of England Primary School

Welcome message from our Headteacher

Welcome to our school website. We hope that you will find your visit informative and that it provides information with a flavour of some of our school activities. We are all enormously proud of all our pupils and the individual contribution each one of them brings to make school life special. We have wonderful children, a dedicated staff team, supportive parents and are part of a great community.

Christian values and ethos are at the heart of the school. Our aim is to provide children with a high quality education, where purposeful learning, interesting stimulus and a full partnership between teachers and parents encourage each child to reach his/her maximum potential. Within a safe, friendly and caring environment, pupils are encouraged to develop their academic, physical, spiritual and emotional capacities. The school helps children recognise their place in the community, to be life-long learners, ready to be active global citizens and to accept their responsibilities as they grow up.

Our strong supportive culture is secured by a real sense of partnership between home and school. Parents, carers and relatives are welcomed into school, we value their views, ideas and expertise, which help to enrich our school. The school also benefits from the support of a very active parent, staff association (PSA).

The school has many strong links with the community taking part in competitions, festivals, charity fundraising events, community events and visiting our church. The church family are regular visitors to our school.

We hope this website can answer most of your questions about our school, but if you would like to know more, please contact us either by phone, sending an email or making an appointment to come and see us. We look forward to meeting you and sharing more of the life of Christ Church with you.

Mrs Elena Hough